Is Bitter Kola Good for Diabetes

Is Bitter Kola Good for Diabetes (Find Out)

Is bitter kola good for diabetes? Yes, bitter kola is safe for diabetes and I will tell you how and what to do to enjoy these benefits.

Bitter kola has many beneficial medical properties, and helping out with diabetes is one of its main importance.

These nuts are chewed before meals in some regions, such as Brazil and West India, to aid digestion.

Bitter kola has been shown to manage blood sugar levels by lowering and normalizing them with continuous usage.

It effectively balances blood sugar levels, alleviating the pain associated with diabetes.

Would you love to see all the other benefits of bitter kola? And how can you access it

Let’s dive into it!!

What Exactly Is Diabetes

Diabetes occurs when your body is not able to take in sugar or glucose into its cells and transform it into fuel for itself to utilize.

This leaves your body vulnerable to a lack of energy and leads to the development of diabetes.

Because of this, the body is unable to receive the fuel it requires. Because of this, there is a rise in the total quantity of sugar that is found in your circulation.

This is a very dangerous practice that could potentially cause damage to a wide range of organs and tissues in your body.

Some of these organs and tissues include your heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves, amongst others.

Because of this, it is extremely important to keep a well-balanced diet in order to decrease the influence of this effect, which is something that bitter kola is especially good at.

Both the prevalence and severity of type 2 diabetes have been found to be on the rise in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Rapid uncontrolled urbanization and severe lifestyle changes may be fueling this pandemic.

Diabetes symptoms include increased thirst, the need to pee more frequently than average, and increased appetite.

Diabetes is classified into types 1, 2, and gestational diabetes. Diabetes is frequently a quiet disease, with many individuals unaware that they have it.

Diabetes patients are frequently denied adequate care and diabetes drugs, particularly insulin, resulting in preventable complications.

The complications include neurological, vascular, or visual impairments, heart disease, stroke, lower limb amputation, renal failure, and other chronic illnesses.

While medications are available to help individuals manage their diabetes, we wonder if the local nut, bitter kola, may also assist diabetic sufferers and improve their general health.

The Connection Between Bitter Kola and Diabetes

Are you interested in learning more about the possible link between bitter kola and diabetes?

Garcinia kola is a plant that is native to West and Central Africa. It is also commonly referred to as bitter kola.

A flowering plant native to tropical climates, bitter kola is symbolic of the significance of Africa as the world’s second-largest continent.

It produces seeds that look like kidney beans but are really brown nuts.

According to the findings of recent studies, bitter kola contains a substance known as Kolaviron that acts as a hypoglycemia-preventative agent for those who have type 2 diabetes.

Bitter kola contains a variety of nutrients, including carbohydrates, lipids, protein, iron, potassium, and vitamin C, as well as caffeine.

Diabetes develops either when the pancreas is unable to produce an adequate amount of insulin or when the body is unable to make appropriate use of the insulin that it does produce.

According to the report, bitter kola can progressively normalize the body’s blood sugar with long-term usage.

But bitter kola slows down this process to help against diabetes.

Please note that bitter kola will not cure diabetes but helps with managing it.

Is Bitter Kola Safe for Diabetes

Yes bitter kola is safe for diabetes patients to consume and it helps a lot to improve their health.

Diabetes occurs when the body no longer produces insulin or when the insulin produced is ineffective.

According to the findings and research study, bitter kola is highly beneficial for type 2 diabetes because it raises the level of insulin in the blood, which in turn helps to reduce the amount of glucose in the blood and keep diabetes under control.

Bitter kola is a component in several African remedies. It has a bitter flavor, which is where the term comes from.

It is commonly used in herbal medicine, although most people prefer to chew on it instead.

Bitter kola seed has been shown to have anti-diabetic and anti-hyperlipidemic characteristics, which means it can lower glucose levels and so assist diabetic people in feeling better.

What Are the Effects of Bitter Kola on Diabetes Patients

According to reports, bitter kola has a different chemical makeup that may explain its medical properties:

The kola nut contains a wide variety of compounds, including caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, sugar, water, starch, cellulose, and phenolic substances.

Same as:

  • phlobaphene
  • tannic acid
  • epicatechin and catechins

Consuming bitter kola causes your metabolism to speed up, and taking extracts of the nut can hasten metabolic processes as well as your heart rate.

This action, however, should be accomplished at low concentrations and dosages.

High consumption of bitter kola for diabetes patients raises the danger of heart failure. Thus, one must be cautious with their dosage.

Kola nuts may harm those with high blood pressure or cardiac issues due to their stimulating impact.

Any person who has difficulty sleeping or staying asleep should steer clear of it. The danger of adverse effects varies and increases with the amount of nut consumed.

However, in severe instances of diabetes, the use of bitter kola should be combined with the help of doctor-prescribed medication.

Because it is challenging to grasp dose and impact in native medicine, check your doctor before taking natural treatments.

Why Is Kola Nut Beneficial for Blood Sugar Management

If you have diabetes and are looking to keep your cholesterol and blood sugar under control, a natural food that you should try is called bitter kola, and I will encourage you to do so.

Consuming bitter kola leads to a large reduction in blood glucose levels as well as levels of bad cholesterol, while simultaneously causing an increase in the body’s synthesis of insulin and levels of good cholesterol.

Its capacity to alleviate diabetes-induced oxidative stress, boost insulin secretion and activity, and inhibit glucose synthesis in the liver are all major contributors to kola nut’s antidiabetic characteristics.

In Nigeria and many other nations in West Africa, the kola nut plays an important role in the region’s customary hospitality practices as well as cultural and social gatherings.

Kola nut seeds through the suppression of key enzymes connected with type-2 diabetes (beta-amylase and beta-glucosidase), therefore making them a very good and affordable nutraceuticals for the management and treatment of type-2 diabetes.

In addition to its usage as a digestive medication, kola nuts are also used to treat male impotence, morning sickness, tiredness, and diarrhea.

In addition to being an energizer and a treatment for migraines, they are also utilized because they help people lose weight.

Find out more benefits of bitter kola here

Final Thoughts

Now that you know bitter kola is good for diabetes, it is also important to note the consumption rate.

Here is a full detail of how much bitter kola to consume on a daily basis

Bitter Kola will significantly reduce blood glucose and harmful cholesterol levels while increasing insulin production and good cholesterol levels.

But it is important to have a healthy diet always.

This should contain lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains, but not excessive amounts of meat or cheese.