Can Bitter Kola Reduce Mouth Odor

Can Bitter Kola Reduce Mouth Odour

Did you know Bitter-Kola might help you get rid of bad breath? Yes, I have proven it, and I am writing this based on multiple personal experiences from myself and others to whom I have given this treatment.  

Bitter kola includes an active component known as Dimeric Flavonoid, which alleviates mouth odor.

Researchers discovered that Dimeric Flavonoid in bitter kola has powerful antibacterial capabilities and can successfully combat microorganisms that produce bad breath.

Chew a piece or two of bitter kola before retiring to bed, and your mouth will feel as clean as if you had just washed your teeth in the morning.

Now, let’s dive into it!!

Also, can bitter kola help sexually

What Health Problems Are Associated with Mouth Odor

Remember that chronic mouth odors and bad breath are also possible symptoms of gum disease (periodontal disease).

Other reasons for bad breath include ill-fitting dental appliances, yeast infections, and cavities.

This leads me to chew bitter kola to assist in cleansing your mouth odor.

Contrary to popular belief, minty gum and deliciousness remove mouth odor; research found that using mints for mouth odor aggravates rather than cures the issue.

Mouth bacteria convert the sugar in mints to acid, which weakens teeth and generates mouth odor.

The herb bitter kola was included in early Coca-Cola mixes.

Hence the similar name, but the modern recipe of the world-famous drink is no longer flavored with genuine bitter kola.

Bitter-Kola has been utilized for a considerable amount of time in traditional African medicine.

There is a widespread belief that it possesses a wide range of medical capabilities, one of which is the ability to aid in the fight against oral bacterial and viral infections.

It is a common plant that may be found across central and western Africa.

The plant is well-known in terms of flavor. The edible seeds have a distinct bitter flavor and subtle sweetness.

What Causes Mouth Odor

Mouth odor, medically known as halitosis, can be humiliating, resulting from poor oral hygiene and perhaps an indicator of other health concerns.

It can also be exacerbated by the foods you eat and other bad lifestyle practices.

Unsurprisingly, store shelves are brimming with gum, mints, mouthwashes, and other goods meant to combat mouth odor these days.

As you may be aware, the cause of bad breath is not mysterious; dental cavities, gum disease, a coated tongue, and poor oral hygiene are among the most prevalent causes.

The miraculous seed of bitter kola is the most effective way to combat mouth odor.

How To Cure Mouth Odor Naturally
Garcinia Kola, sometimes known as Bitter Kola, is an African edible seed with therapeutic characteristics capable of treating various infectious ailments, including mouth odor.

Coconut Water-Soaked Bitter Kola

Bitter kola is indigenous to Central and Western Africa (Nigeria, Benin, Cameroon, the Gambia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Mali, Gabon, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal, and Sierra Leone).

Traditional Africans produce remedies from all parts of the bitter Kola plant, including the leaves, stems, and seeds.

Bitter kola is generally consumed raw; it has a complex bitter flavor with a hint of sweetness.

This seed’s brilliance cannot be overstated.

Are you aware that bitter kola may be used to make beverages? It has several health advantages, such as treating mouth odor.

These bitter kola beverages are simple to create, can be made in various ways, and maintain their health advantages.

The following are many methods for creating these nutritional beverages, along with their benefits:

Coconut Water-Soaked Bitter Kola

1. Bitter kola is required (the main ingredient)

2. Water from coconuts

3. The alligator pepper.

4. A clear plastic bottle or transparent container


1. Cut the bitter kola and alligator pepper into tiny pieces first.

2. Pour the coconut water into a clear plastic bottle or transparent container.

3. Place the chopped bitter kola and alligator in a clear container filled with coconut water.

4. Allow the mixture to soak for 3-7 days.

5. After the seventh day, you can drink it once or twice a day.


1. Kills microorganisms, lowering mouth odor.

2. It cleanses the body and helps to burn tummy fat.

3. It helps to decrease blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

4. Alligator pepper is used to cure infectious skin disorders like measles, chicken pox, and smallpox and relieve joint, tooth, stomach, and arthritic pain.

5. Coconut water is tasty and includes essential elements that help relax the body.

Lime Water-Soaked Bitter Kola

Ingredients Required

  • A fair quantity of lime
  • A clear plastic bottle or a transparent container
  • A moderate quantity of bitter kola


  • Cut the lemon in half so that the juice may be squeezed into the container.
  • cut the bitter kola into little pieces
  • Place the chopped bitter kola in the lime-filled jar for a day.
  • After a day, you can ingest the drink with a shot twice daily.


1. It acts as a natural detoxifier to help with digestive troubles.

2. Assist Fertility Growth

3. It makes the weight reduction process easier.

4. Improves blood sugar control and immune system strength.

5. This combination protects your body from typhoid and malaria.

Bitter kola has been recognized, consumed, and used for health concerns in Africa for many years.

Still, scientists have become aware of the multiple health advantages of bitter kola via their research.

However, we know the health advantages of bitter kola, which may affect our eating habits and day-to-day life.

Still, bitter kola should not be used to replace medical advice or supplements unless medically recommended for an issue.

It is also vital to use caution when consuming bitter kola; as the expression goes, “moderation is crucial.”

Combats Bad Breath

Bitter kola’s active ingredient, dimeric flavonoid, is believed to alleviate foul breath.

According to research, this chemical has excellent antibacterial characteristics, effectively destroying microorganisms that produce foul breath.

Chew a piece or two of Garcinia kola before going to sleep. Your mouth will feel clean in the morning, exactly like it did after cleaning your teeth.

Where Can I Buy Bitter Kola

Bitter kola may be found at select specialized shops and online.

It is available in both raw and dried forms. Keep in mind that the flavor and properties of the plant get greater when dried.

Bitter kola extract is also available. Kola extract is the simplest and least expensive approach to incorporating this magnificent herb into your everyday routine.

However, it is important to follow dose instructions to avoid the onset of any side effects.

When purchasing bitter kola extract, ensure that the manufacturer is reputable.

Other Mouth Odor Remedies

While bitter kola includes a phytochemical known as “dimeric flavonoid,” frequently used to cure mouth odor, this substance has potent antimicrobial properties.

This is why it fights bad breath and destroys the bacteria that cause bad breath and tooth decay.

Other significant strategies to treat mouth odor must be known.

Halitosis, often known as mouth stink or smell, is mostly becasuse the result of poor dental hygiene.

If not treated promptly, mouth odor might worsen, leading to social shame.

There are several causes of foul breath, including the foods you eat, periodic dental checkups, smoking tobacco-based products, and other hazardous lifestyle behaviors.

Generally, food consumed begins to be broken down from the inside of the mouth.

So, if you eat odoriferous foods like garlic, ginger, and onion without immediately cleansing your mouth, the odor will most likely stay on your tongue.

Most of the time, the odor from these foods will linger around the lips until the meal has passed entirely through the body.

It is essential to discuss the factors above to choose the best strategies to remedy your mouth odor. Here are remedies for bad breath:

Every Day, Brush and Floss Your Teeth At Least Two Times.

Brushing your teeth twice a day can help to eliminate and prevent the accumulation of sticky particles on your teeth after each meal.

It would help if you flossed at least once daily to remove food particles lodged in the area between your gums and teeth, which has become a dwelling place for them.

According to experts, retained food is a primary cause of mouth odor.

Brush Your Tongue

The coating on your tongue is a potential habitat for the bacteria responsible for your mouth’s foul odor.

Brushing and scraping your tongue gently with your toothbrush might help eliminate germs.

Doing this twice daily can help remove food debris, germs, and dead cells that brushing alone cannot.

Drink Lots of Water.

Inadequate saliva production from within the mouth can contribute to tooth decay and cause mouth odor.

Drinking enough water might help compensate for the lack of saliva that causes a dry mouth.

Chewing odorless and sugar-free gum might also help to keep your mouth moist.

Avoid Odoriferous Foods as Much as Possible.

Odoriferous foods are ones with a strong odor. Raw onions and garlic can produce an unpleasant odor in your mouth.

Brushing your teeth after consuming these items will not eliminate the odor until digestion.

Researchers discovered that the chemicals that create foul odors in garlic and onion move into the circulation and to the lungs, where they are breathed out. This is why you should avoid eating odoriferous foods.

Consume Bitter Kola Nuts

Bitter kola is a dimeric flavonoid, a natural substance that relieves bad breath.

Bitter kola also contains significant antibacterial properties, which aid in the battle against germs that live on the tongue and cause mouth odor.

Quit Smoking.

Aside from causing cancer, smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products can discolor your teeth, harm your gums, and cause bad breath.

It is recommended that you seek the advice of a psychologist when you genuinely feel ready to give up smoking.

Regular Dental Checkups

Dental professionals recommend visiting a dental facility at least once every six months to maintain good oral health.

Final Thought

Bitter-Kola is incredibly helpful in curing bad breath, and while you may not believe it, trying it can help persuade you.

Chew one or two Bitter-Kola pieces before bed, and the first thing you chew when you get up.

Even if you merely chew it as the final thing at night, you can hold your hand and breathe into it to check if you detect any odor.

This potent is wonderful, and I am confident you will like it. Though this is not professional advice, I also recommend getting medical attention.