The effect of bitter kola on sperm

The effect of bitter kola on sperm

Does bitter kola have any effect on sperm? It does; if you want to know more, continue reading.

Over time, the issue of low sperm counts and other sexual dysfunctions has been challenging for most men.

In search of solutions, men have consumed a variety of substances, including both synthetic and natural remedies, the majority of which resulted in additional complications.

In contrast, the majority of them provided relief.

Bitter kola and its impact on sperm will be discussed in this article as one of the natural treatments for male sexual dysfunction.

Now, let’s dive into it!!

See other usefulness of bitter kola

The Effect of Bitter Kola on Sperm

Kola therapy raised testicular weights; sperm count with no change in motility, and serum testosterone levels with no change in gonadotropin levels at all dosages.

Treatment did not affect gross testicular histopathology.

There are conflicting study findings on the effects of bitter kola on sperm.

Across all dosages, there were claims that Garcinia kola therapy increased testicular weight, sperm count, and serum testosterone levels with it not causing any changes in sperm motility.

Additionally, there were no changes in gonadotropin levels.

The treatment did not affect the gross histology of the testicles. Bitter kola seed extract exhibits considerable aphrodisiac action in male albino rats, resulting in a rise in sperm count and testosterone levels.

According to other research, Garcinia Kola seed lowered blood testosterone levels, sperm counts, and sperm motility; these effects were time-dependent and reversible.

In conclusion, one study found that bitter kola boosted sperm count, while another found that bitter kola decreased sperm count.

Because of this, it is unknown whether bitter kola increases or decreases sperm count.

Is Bitter Kola Sexually Beneficial?

Bitter kola may help healthy people stay in bed longer, but it may not help people with underlying hormonal issues.

Bitter kola has been used in studies and experiments on male rats and has shown some efficiency in increasing their sexual drive.

Bitter kola has nutrients that can be utilized to increase sexual desire.

African males think consuming bitter kola before sexual intercourse will increase stamina and help them endure longer during sexual intercourse.

Experts on human gender warn that when men suffer arterial hardening due to poor nutrition, it negatively impacts their sexual performance because blood circulation to vital organs, including the male organ, is compromised.

Researchers claim that consuming a bitter kola supplement can restore impotence and fast ejaculation by increasing blood flow to all of the body’s vital organs, including the male organ.

For me, Bitter kola is a popular sexual performance drug among males. I tested it, and it works perfectly. Few natural products can compete with the sexual benefits of bitter kola.

Another advantage of bitter cola as a natural remedy for fast ejaculation is its naturalness. That is, it has no negative effects.

How To Use Bitter Kola to Last Longer in Bed

1. Soak Bitter Kola and alligator pepper for two days in coconut water for improved libido

A mixture of alligator pepper, bitter kola, and coconut water offers several health benefits for humans, including increasing libido and making a man or woman last longer during sex.

Preparation Method:

1. Measure out a 1.5-liter glass cup of coconut water

2. Take two sour kola nuts. Before placing the posterior shell in the glass cup, remove it and cut it into thinner pieces.

3. Powder the alligator pepper and add a bit to the glass cup.

4. Pour the coconut water and let it sit for 12 hours.

5. After 12 hours, drink it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. You may add a little honey if you want it sweeter.

2. For better libido, soak Bitter Kola in Coconut Water for two days.


Get seven bitter kola nuts, scrape the backoff, and pour coconut water into a cup.

Soak the seven Bitter Kolas in the coconut water for three days and three nights, then consume a small quantity in the morning and evening.

This will assist in your erectile dysfunction treatment.

3. For three days, mix Bitter Kola and Water Melon Seed in water to increase libido, cure erectile dysfunction (impotence), and make you last longer during sex.

Three days after soaking Bitter Kola and watermelon seed in bitter lemon, consume the mixture in the morning and evening.

This potent combo is meant to stimulate desire and prolong sexual activity. That is, it prevents ejaculation from occurring.

Sexual Benefits of Bitter Kola Nuts

Increase Sperm Count:

Bitter kola has been demonstrated to increase sperm production, sperm count, and sperm motility. It is a plant that is supposed to help a person become fertile again.

Treats Erection Problems:

By increasing blood flow to the genitalia, bitter kola makes a man’s erections last longer.

The penis receives sufficient oxygen and nutrients, producing a robust erection and enhanced sexual endurance.

Treats Premature Ejaculation:

Eating bitter kola, drinking steeped bitter water, or combining bitter kola with watermelon seeds has been shown to help treat premature ejaculation rapid ejaculation, stimulate libido, fertility, sperm count, and sexual stamina, and make a man last much longer in bed.

It is a tried-and-true natural Viagra that many men and even women swear by. It is natural and harmless, and you should try it.

Increase Sexual Desire:

Bitter kola is a well-known herb that has been scientifically proven to increase libido. Our ancestors did not use this bitter plant without purpose.

They realized early on that it improves their sexual drive and allows them to stay in bed for longer periods than normal.

Bitter kola coupled with ginger, honey, or bitter leaves stimulates sexual desire significantly. Consider consuming bitter kola immediately if you have reproductive issues or low libido.

What Sexual Dysfunction Causes You to Wrap Up Quickly

Sexual dysfunction is any condition that prevents you from being aroused for sex, having an orgasm sooner than desired, taking too long to have an orgasm, or not climaxing at all.

Sexual dysfunction can be brought on by a number of different variables, some of which are psychological, while others are connected to the lifestyle you are currently leading or to the drugs you are taking.

It is crucial to emphasize, however, that one or two nights of poor performance does not suggest that you have sexual dysfunction.

As a male, it is typical for you to perform below your normal level at times.

Sexual dysfunction occurs when your sexual performance is regularly subpar and influences your willingness to engage in coitus with your spouse or anybody.

Several sorts of sexual illnesses are distinguished by how they are present. They are as follows:

When you are unable to keep your penis erect for a sufficient amount of time to engage in sexual activity, you are said to be suffering from erectile dysfunction.

When blood pours into the chambers of the penis, it becomes erect. In this situation, sexual ideas cause blood to flow into the penis, and as the chambers fill, the penis gradually gets erect.

The failure to maintain blood in those chambers results in erection loss.

Premature Ejaculation: 

When you, as a guy, experience orgasm and ejaculate before your partner.

It is a rather typical event among guys, and every man experiences it at some time. Premature ejaculation is often known as “not staying in bed for long.”

Delayed Ejaculation: 

When you do not ejaculate, but your spouse does. Premature ejaculation is the reverse of this.

Low Libido: 

A sexual circumstance in which you have a poor desire for sex is referred to as having a low libido.

It shouldn’t be a concern unless you’re coupled with a person whose sexual urge exceeds yours.

For someone who isn’t generally this way, low libido might be the result of adverse life experiences.

Arousal Disorder is a condition in which your penis cannot become erect. You have a strong urge to engage in sexual activity but are physically unable to do so.

We shall concentrate on Premature Ejaculation and how bitter kola may be used to cure it.

Before we get to the remedy, let’s look at how bitter kola can aid with premature ejaculation or how it can help you stay in bed longer.

So, Are Nuts a Good Addition to Your Diet?

Some physicians hesitate to prescribe nuts to cure infertility issues, even though they can’t hurt.

Due to the limited sample size, restriction to healthy, fertile guys, and exclusion of men with infertility or sperm defects, the researchers advise that the results cannot be extended to all men.

While further study is required to clarify how nutrition impacts sperm quality in general, this study adds to the increasing evidence that what we eat significantly influences our overall health and fertility.

If you desire to start a family, you should evaluate your overall health and lifestyle and make better-educated selections.

The body is closely interconnected; the more physically fit you are, the higher your sperm and hormone counts will be.

A few months spent improving your health naturally will help you become a father and make you a better, happier, and more energetic man in the long run. All of which you will need when the children arrive.”

Final Thought

You must now know bitter kola’s effectiveness and health benefits on sperm.

Adequate intake boosts sperm count and helps to increase testosterone levels regardless of the dose.

Sperm count might decline instead of rising with excessive use. Additionally, excessive bitter kola consumption might cause other sexual dysfunctions.

So, based on the research, it can be concluded that bitter kola aids in the improvement of sperm count.

It is recommended that people with sperm dysfunctions use bitter kola for improvement.

Still, they should be mindful of the quantity they consume, as excessive bitter kola consumption can lead to many complications, not just sperm dysfunctions.